With year-round sunshine and warm temperatures, fantastic beaches, beautiful palm trees, and the lure of the ocean, there’s nothing quite like spending time in Florida. However, if you don’t feel beach-body ready, you might be a little apprehensive about spending time in short-shorts or bikinis.
With the hottest season of the year just around the corner and Covid-19 restrictions being eased, it may feel like a race against time to get your summer body ready. Fortunately, our full-body light therapy treatments can help address the areas that are causing you concern and restore your confidence in your appearance in time for the summer. Here is how you can lose weight fast.
What is light therapy?
Light therapy is a very safe and effective non-invasive treatment that has shown to be effective in addressing a variety of cosmetic body issues. Light therapy uses different color wavelengths of visible light which are proven to have specific health and wellness benefits. The skin and body then use the light as a source of energy to repair and rejuvenate damaged cells, shrink fat cells, kill bacteria, boost circulation and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential for strong, healthy, and glowing skin.
Each color and frequency of light performs a slightly different action. Greenlight is known to help reduce the appearance of cellulite, sun spots, age spots, freckles, liver spots, and reddish or brown patches. Near infra-red light, which is the most deeply-absorbed wavelength, increases cell permeability and absorption breaks down fat cells, and helps them to be eliminated from the body, reducing body size and improving the appearance of ‘wobbly bits’. Since each color and frequency offers a slightly different benefit, it’s important to choose the right one to address the areas that are bothering you or to choose Sarasota Laser Lipo, since our light therapy combines multiple light frequencies and wavelengths at once.
How can full-body light therapy help me to achieve my summer body?
Light therapy has been proven to help tackle a number of issues that you may feel are standing between you and losing weight for your ideal beach body. These include:
- Stubborn pockets of fat that aren’t responding to diet and exercise
- Crepey, dry skin
- Sunspots
- Aging skin
- Cellulite
- Stretch marks
- Loose skin
If you are affected by any of these and are looking for a fast and non-invasive treatment to get you ready for summer, laser light therapy is the perfect solution.
Why choose Sarasota Laser Lipo for your full-body light treatments?
Our Total Body, ‘Multi-Wave’ pulsed light therapy has over 12 simultaneous frequencies and light combinations that penetrate different depths into the body, enabling us to target a variety of issues at the same time. This means that our laser light treatments can shrink stubborn areas of fat, tone and tighten the skin, reduce cellulite and eliminate the signs of aging all at the same time.
Sarasota Laser Lipo is doctor-owned and supervised, and we have more than 23 years of experience in providing treatments that deliver real, visible results without the need for faddy diets, needles, surgery, and prescription medication.
At the present time, we are the only clinic offering our revolutionary Multi-Wave treatment. Other light devices only offer one light frequency, limiting their effectiveness. Check out our 5-star Google and Facebook reviews and our real patient photos and testimonials, which you can find on our website.
Call Sarasota Laser Lipo at 941-241-0500 today to schedule your free consultation and find out how we can help you to get your beach body ready in a matter of weeks!