What Your Cravings May Be Telling You

Cravings usually receive a bad rap, mainly because the foods people crave are most times “bad for you.” But is there more to cravings than meets the eye? Why do people get cravings? Are they signals from the body telling you that you need something? 


A craving is a signal informing you that your body is out of balance. It is not necessarily about the particular food that you crave. The craving may be due to stress, lack of sleep, or dehydration. It is vital to find out what your cravings may be telling you.


Understanding Your Cravings


Before you can control your cravings, you need to understand what they mean. You might be craving a certain snack, but when you eat it, you realize you do not feel better. This means that the body did not need that food. So, is the craving physical or emotional? Are you hungry, anxious, bored, or are you in a routine?


Sugar Craving


Sugar is the brain’s preferred source of fuel. The human body is biologically programmed to look for sugar. The biggest drive for most cravings is sugar. While there are different sources of sugar, most people will look for it in snacks such as chocolate. 


Your chocolate craving could be the reason your body is tired or low in iron. Your system is looking for instant fuel to keep going. Sugar cravings are habit-forming, and they lead to further cravings. If you crave chocolate, choose small amounts of dark chocolate with some nutritional value.


Salt Craving


If you are craving salt, it could simply mean that you are dehydrated. Before you dig into a salty snack, try drinking some water. In most cases, people think that they are hungry when they are thirsty. 


People who are taking some diuretic medications can also find themselves craving salt. Salty foods are common for people who stress-eat. If your problem is stress, try practicing deep breathing, meditation, and other activities that can help reduce stress. 


Red Meat Craving


If you get cravings for red meat, you find out if you are getting enough iron and zinc. Some nutrients are vital for the body, and unfortunately, they are not common in too many foods. 


If you crave red meat, include it in a healthy diet. You should, however, avoid consuming too much of it. Eating a small amount of red meat each week has some benefits.


Carbohydrate Craving 


Carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, and cookies are sources of energy. They work fast but do not keep you feeling full for very long. If you are craving these carbs, consider your sleeping schedule. The body may be craving carbs and fats because they generate some hormones necessary for regulating sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep can help get rid of the cravings. 


If you are craving a particular food or snack, ask yourself if you need it. You should avoid giving in to every craving that you get. Cravings always pass, so you should wait before you give in to the craving. 


For more on what your cravings may be telling you, contact Sarasota Laser Lipo at our office in Sarasota, Florida. You can call 941-241-0500 today to schedule an appointment.

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