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Real Patient Results!
All case studies shown above are actual real patients of Sarasota Laser Lipo. These are not stock photos, shared franchise photos, or photos from other clinics or spas. Results may vary, as we customize each patient's plan to their individual goals and needs. Our professional staff will personalize a plan specifically for you.
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Patient Gallery
Case 265
60 Year Old Male / 42.7 Inches + 14 Pounds Lost! (4 Treatments in 4 Weeks)
Note: This patient is part way through his (8) week program and has had (4) treatments so far. (One relaxing treatment per week, over the course of 4 weeks). He was looking to lose weight, target stubborn belly fat, reduce signs of aging and improve his overall health. *Stay tuned for more results and photos.
Targeted Areas: Full Body
Plus toning and tightening of the skin by stimulating Collagen and Elastin production in the face, neck and body. We used our "Multi-Wave", Pulsed Treatment Protocol with (12+) Green/Red Frequencies combined, for optimum results.
Case 264
78 Year Old Female / 54.9 Inches + 23 Pounds Lost! (5 Treatments in 5 Weeks)
Note: This patient is part way through her program and has had (5) treatments. (One relaxing treatment per week, over the course of 5 weeks). PLUS she was gone for (5) weeks and continued to lose the stubborn weight while gone!
She was looking to lose weight, target stubborn belly fat, tone and tighten her skin, reduce signs of aging and improve her overall health. *Stay tuned for more results and photos.
Targeted Areas: Full Body
Plus toning and tightening of the skin by stimulating Collagen and Elastin production in the face, neck and body. We used our "Multi-Wave", Pulsed Treatment Protocol with (12+) Green/Red Frequencies combined, for optimum results.
Case 263
41 Year Old Female / 75.6 Inches + 21 Pounds Lost! (8 Treatments in 8 Weeks)
Note: This patient is part way through her (12) week program and has had (8) relaxing treatments so far. (One treatment per week over the course of (8) weeks). She was looking to lose weight, target stubborn belly fat, tone and tighten her skin, reduce signs of aging and improve her overall health. *Stay tuned for more results and photos.
Targeted Areas: Full Body
Plus toning and tightening of the skin by stimulating Collagen and Elastin production in the face, neck and body. We used our "Multi-Wave", Pulsed Treatment Protocol with (12+) Green/Red Frequencies combined, for optimum results.
Case 262
61 Year Old Female / 50.5 Inches + 14 Pounds Lost! (8 Treatments in 8 Weeks)
Note: This patient is part way through her program and has had (8) treatments. (One treatment per week) over the course of (8) weeks. She was looking to lose weight, target stubborn belly fat, tone and tighten her skin, reduce signs of aging and improve her overall health. *Stay tuned for more results and photos.
Targeted Areas: Full Body
Plus toning and tightening of the skin by stimulating Collagen and Elastin production in the face, neck and body. We used our "Multi-Wave", Pulsed Treatment Protocol with (12+) Green/Red Frequencies combined, for optimum results.
Case 261
79 Year Old Female / 41.2 Inches + 15 Pounds Lost! (8 Treatments in 2 Months)
Note: This patient is part way through her program and has had (8) treatments. (One treatment per week). She wanted to target stubborn belly fat, tone and tighten her skin, reduce signs of aging and improve her overall health. *Stay tuned for more results and photos.
Targeted Areas: Full Body
Plus toning and tightening of the skin by stimulating Collagen and Elastin production in the face, neck and body. We used our "Multi-Wave", Pulsed Treatment Protocol with (12+) Green/Red Frequencies combined, for optimum results.
Case 260
38 Year Old Female / 107.2 Inches + 31 Pounds Lost! (8 Treatments in 8 Weeks)
Note: This patient is part way through her program and has had (8) treatments. (One treatment per week) over the course of (2) weeks. She was looking to lose weight, target stubborn belly fat, tone and tighten her skin, reduce signs of aging and improve her overall health. *Stay tuned for more results and photos.
Targeted Areas: Full Body
Plus toning and tightening of the skin by stimulating Collagen and Elastin production in the face, neck and body. We used our "Multi-Wave", Pulsed Treatment Protocol with (12+) Green/Red Frequencies combined, for optimum results.
Case 259
41 Year Old Male / 24.3 Inches + 17 Pounds Lost! (4 treatments in 4 weeks)
Note: This patient is part way through his amazing program and has had (4) relaxing treatments. He was looking to lose the stubborn fat, and improve his overall health. *Stay tuned for more results and photos.
Targeted Areas: Full Body
Plus toning and tightening of the skin by stimulating Collagen and Elastin production in the face, neck and body. We used our "Multi-Wave", Pulsed Treatment Protocol with (12+) Green/Red Frequencies combined, for optimum results. Case 258
58 Year Old Female / 104.2 Inches + 23 Pounds Lost! (12 Treatments in 3 Months)
Note: This patient has just completed her program and has had (12) treatments. (One treatment per week) over the course of (3) months. She was looking to lose weight, target stubborn belly fat, tone and tighten her skin, reduce signs of aging and improve her overall health. *Stay tuned for the before/after photos.
Targeted Areas: Full Body
Plus toning and tightening of the skin by stimulating Collagen and Elastin production in the face, neck and body. We used our "Multi-Wave", Pulsed Treatment Protocol with (12+) Green/Red Frequencies combined, for optimum results.
Case 257
37 Year Old Female / 127 Inches + 28 Pounds Lost! (12 Treatments in 3 Months)
Note: This patient has just completed her program and has had (12) treatments. (One treatment per week) over the course of (3) months. She was looking to lose weight, target stubborn belly fat, tone and tighten her skin, reduce signs of aging and improve her overall health. *Stay tuned for the before/after photos.
Targeted Areas: Full Body
Plus toning and tightening of the skin by stimulating Collagen and Elastin production in the face, neck and body. We used our "Multi-Wave", Pulsed Treatment Protocol with (12+) Green/Red Frequencies combined, for optimum results.
Case 256
60 Year Old Female / 29.2 Inches + 6 Pounds Lost! (4 Treatments in 1 Month)
Note: This patient is part way through her program and has had (4) treatments. (One treatment per week). She was not looking to lose a significant amount of weight. She wanted to target stubborn belly fat, tone and tighten her skin, reduce signs of aging and improve her overall health. *Stay tuned for more results and photos.
Targeted Areas: Full Body
Plus toning and tightening of the skin by stimulating Collagen and Elastin production in the face, neck and body. We used our "Multi-Wave", Pulsed Treatment Protocol with (12+) Green/Red Frequencies combined, for optimum results.