
coolsculpting women

Why more people are using Red Light Therapy over CoolSculpting

February 29, 2020

Do you have areas of your body that aren’t as firm, sculpted and smooth as you would like? This is one question that most of us can say yes to. A tight, toned body is on nearly everyone’s wish list of most desirable physical attributes, but actually achieving one is extremely hard. Diet and exercise are key to maintaining a healthy weight and body shape, but even then, getting certain parts of our body to respond to our efforts in the way that we would like is sometimes impossible.

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The Sugary Truth


Watch this video to learn about the dangers of over-consumption of added sugars.

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weight loss

Don’t risk it with Liposuction and use Red Light Therapy instead!

January 31, 2020

Achieving a tight, toned body and a healthy weight requires a huge amount of dedication and commitment. For some people, reaching this goal seems impossible and so they choose to undergo a well-known cosmetic surgery treatment known as liposuction. Liposuction is an invasive treatment that is designed to remove excess fat cells from the body so that the patient can enjoy a slimmer and more toned physique. However, liposuction isn’t without considerable risk and many patients are either told that they are not good candidates for the procedure or are too scared to undergo such an invasive and potentially risky treatment. Fortunately, there are alternatives and one of the most effective that is becoming an extremely popular alternative to liposuction is red light therapy.

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curvy women

What is the most effective weight loss treatment?

December 30, 2019

The holiday season is here, and with it comes the opportunity to overindulge in our favorite foods and drinks. Unfortunately, this usually comes with a price – weight gain. The vast majority of us will put on at least a little weight over the festive period, and after it’s all over, we will be wondering about the best way to shift those excess pounds. Most of us know that diet and exercise are a killer combination when it comes to losing weight, but the process is hard! It is also time-consuming, and it can take months of hard work in order to achieve the results that you are looking for. Fortunately, there are alternatives that can help you to get rid of the post-Christmas pounds more quickly and easily. One of the most effective weight loss treatments is red light treatment.

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weight loss

What is the best non-surgical weight loss solution?

November 19, 2019

If you have tried to lose weight before then you will be all too painfully aware of just how hard it can be. Sustaining a strict diet and committing to lengthy workout sessions for a prolonged period in order to see continued weight loss requires significant motivation and time – something that many people who are looking to shed the pounds often struggle with. Gastric surgery is available but makes a permanent change to your body and requires a significant recovery period. Fortunately, there is a non-surgical alternative – a body sculpting treatment known as laser lipo.

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